Health through Digital Innovation

May 5, 2024

Technology Startup Summit — Marketing Gallery, SinarMas Land Plaza BSD City

Technology Startup Summit — Marketing Gallery, SinarMas Land Plaza BSD City

Last Saturday — 4 May 2024 — I attended “Technology Startup Summit” held by SIMT-ITS and Sinar Mas Land which covers Revolutionizing Health through Digital Innovation.

How did I get in this area? Outside of my normal 9 to 5 full-time job, I’m currently building my side project of E-Medical Record Web Application System which has been used by 10 clinics in East Java so far.

As one of the developers, I strongly feel urgency to attend this event and share my findings with my peers. Mainly, it is to improve the usability of the app and to make it relevant with pain points the users may have.

SIMT ITS — Sinarmas Land — Halodoc Event

SIMT ITS — Sinarmas Land — Halodoc Event

Notable Speakers:

  • Ir. R. Haryo Dwito Armono, ST., M.Eng., Ph.D., Vice Dean of SIMT-ITS

  • Andi Boediman, CEO of Idesource Entertainment

  • Setiaji, ST., M.Si, Chief of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Doddy Lukito, Co-Founder of Halodoc
  • Rama Mamuaya, Founder of DS/X Ventures
  • Mulyawan Gani, Chief Transformation Officer of Sinar Mas Land

Halodoc Updates

Evolution of Halodoc from time to time

Evolution of Halodoc from time to time

We’re having a kind of role-model with Halodoc. Solely, they have large coverage of IT — Health solutions and users. In their early days, they also spotting some gaps in 2020 market COVID era:

  • Limited access to doctors. By data, 1 doctor need to serve thousands of users. Meaning that consultation is basically hard to do in-person. From here, they launch consultation feature in Halodoc.

  • Registered doctors struggles with administrative issues, getting late to give medical treatment to patients. From here, they launch a feature to have the doctor rating. With SLA booking / response time ≤ 15 mins.

Our take on our app:
  • From 1st point, we made e-medical record and booking process easily accessible to clinic frontliners, doctors, and the owners.

  • From 2nd point, we adopted the idea of recording booking time and waiting time. For example, patients have booked at 9AM — 10 AM. But the current time is 9.15 AM, the system notifies the frontliner that the patient have been waiting for 15 mins. This is to improve service quality of the clinics. Either improve the flow, contact the doctor, or reschedule the patient.

Satusehat Updates

Since COVID-19, our Ministry of Health has issued Satusehat. It is a comprehensive app that covers online medication, data covid, medical records, etc.

Satusehat Ecosystem

Satusehat Ecosystem

During 2021–2024, There is this thing called Digital Transformation Blueprint. Which is the target milestone that Ministry of Health aims to achieve:

  1. Individual-Based Health Data Integration
  2. Healthcare simplification + Digitalization
  3. Health Innovation & System Development

Business Tips

At the event, from Halodoc and Serial Investor of Stockbit and EFishery also gives some tips at encouraging startups.

  1. Solving pain points, either from demand-side or supply-side.
  2. ISO 27001 for data privacy & trust.
  3. Founders need to get hands-on to gain key partners, focus to what matters to us and others.

  4. To persuade a cost-reduction is relatively harder than persuade a possible increase on generating additional income. (From serial investor. A Venture Capital in EFishery & Stockbit)

What I Learn

As a Software Developer / Frontend Developer, i gain new insights that changes my perspective:

  • Be relevant and solving pain points

    If you want to commercialize your application, make sure that it really tackles real-world problem. Otherwise, it will be your another fun project.

    Painkiller vs Vitamin Idea
  • Tech stack relatively doesn’t matter

    As long as you’re providing and delivering solution to users, you can still compete with others. My take on this, it’s better to have 2 division of IT perspective:

    • First team handles the real solutions to users. To keep your balance sheet positive.

    • Second team innovate with trending and upcoming technologies. To stay relevant with IT Development in general. The hot topic that was discussed there was combining IT + AI + Healthcare.

    AI + Healthcare
  • Grow your audience

    For your users, learn about marketing . For knowing what’s relevant and who to collaborate with, learn about networking . So i did. Kudos to Mas Hans Sokya and Mas Gibran. Nice knowing you!


    Mas Gibran (left) and Mas Hans Sokya (right)


It’s been a while since my last post. I’m trying to be more frequent to publishing my ideas and findings later on. Until then, cheers!

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