Muhammad Ilham Adhim
Front-End Developer
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Muhammad Ilham Adhim
I graduated from State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema), majoring in Information Technology. And doing my full-time at Front-End Developer in PT. Erajaya Swasembada
Lots of modern technologies are being pumped out these days, and Front-End Technology is no exception. The urge to learn and try these trending technologies is huge. Even so, after having some trials on various IT field, I had my focus on learning Front-End Development on 2020 and have been learning it ever since.
In this website, i'll actively adding collection to my handful projects and writing blogs. With writing, I'll be able to document my journey of exploration, experiences, as well as learnings. Besides, I'd like to share my findings and exploration on IT-related stuffs along the way.